See the glasses.. and you see me :3 |
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Well.. I Think you've already see that picture above.. I am the boy beside that blue haired girl..
My name is Raka.. With full name.. Muhammad Rakata Dzillal Kusuma Hermawan.. you can call me Katong.. from.. Rakata.. to Raka"Tong" hehe.. I earn that nickname from my Father when I was a little boy.. I am 15 y.o and was born in 30th June 1999. yeah.. I NEVER feel the feelings when I being a target for waterballons or flour.. what a pity hahaha.. but yeah.. School Holiday birthday.. never had a party for it.. with friends.. and now for my address.. I live in Gunung Batu at Jln.Gn.Rahayu no 19 RT03/RW10.. I live in a rented house for now because my family needs to afford many things first before we start a new own house here.. ow yeah.. I am from Cilegon City, at Banten Province.. yeah.. pretty far isn't it? it needs about 4 hours to travel from Cilegon to Bandung.. ONLY if the traffic is clear.. but when it is crowded.. it can take 5 or more hours to get to Bandung from Cilegon.. hey.. I think I forgot to tell you my Junior HighSchool right? I am from SMPN2CILEGON.. my favorite teachers there are All Teachers that teach me there.. hehehe.. in my JHS.. I was in 7B,8I,and 9A.. I got many challenging friends there.. because my classmates are smart.. so it makes my spirit burned to be the best student in my school.. about the rank.. maybe at 7 Grade in 1st semester.. i start in 9th rank.. but start to raise in the second semester in 2nd rank.. about my 8 and 9 grade.. I've got the 2nd,1st in 8 Grade.. but at 9 Grade I've Got the 1st Rank.. I earn that with proud because I can make my parents proud.. I love them very much.. especially my mother.. I love her very much because she is the one that have much,much,much,muuuuuuuuuuuuch patients when face my bad characteristics.. such as indicipline, didn't very diligent, and much more.. and my Mother Name is Dynna Camelia.. and my Father is Taufik Hermawan.. now you know where my "Hermawan" name is come from hahaha..
from Cilegon to Bandung.. why I choose Bandung? because I want to study at SMAN3BANDUNG, why I choose SMAN3BANDUNG? because I think that school can help me better than any school to reach my dream.. that was a MEDIC team at the National Army.. besides from being an accurate shooter.. I can heal my mates that is dying or wounded in combat.. yeah I want that because I like weapons.. or anything that have connections with war.. I also love History.. especially war history of course.. from world war 1 to 2.. or American and France Revolution.. and I also interested in conspiracy theory.. also with knowledge about "Dajjal" I love to read any books about it hahaha.. I'm curious with that xD << crazy emot..wkwkwk
o..yeah.. I also love to play games.. especially console games.. and I also an Otaku.. I love to watch anime.. hehehe.. so you can conclude my hobbies are Watching Animes, Playing Games, Reads anything about conspiracy and history, aaaand.. not and :v only that wkwkwk..
well.. My name is done, my birthday done, my School done, my address done, my hobbies done, my Junior High School experience done, my dreams done, and my list is done.. now we will begin to talk about my.. anything besides that "done" things hehehe..
now about my characteristics.. from head to foot.. hmm I has black medium and a bit wavy hair, a pair of ear that like an elf if you see it closely, a
pointed flat nose, and a pair of thin lips.. also a pair of eye.. I also wear Levi's Glasses (promotion!! hehe..) that has a blue color.. about my cheeks.. I have a mark that brownish at my left cheek.. hehe.. ask me if you want to know about it hehe.. but don't slap me (O_O)
about my height and weight.. it is about 171 cm and 60 Kg.. but I didn't usually worked out so I don't have a muscular body.. I also like to wear a little bag to store my important items such as my cellphone, my wallet, my motorcycle key, my house key, my earphone, my harddisk, and a spoon (O_O)*why I bring a Spoon? because I usually bring some foods that I buy when at my way to School hehe..*
I also called "Tukang Daging" or "Penagih Utang" or something like that (-_-) but I like it though.. because my friends will remember me.. as the one that always wear a little brown bag everywhere.. hehe.. so if someone didn't remember my name.. he/she will remember my brown bag at least :v hehe..
hmm.. about my Favorite lessons.. I love Math, Biology, Physics, Art, and History.. interesting right? calculating lesson with words lesson.. usually someone if like Math, He/She wouldn't like art or History hehehe.. :3
aww yeah.. I forget to tell you my class now in SMAN3BANDUNG.. I now sit in X Acceleration II with Mrs Wiwin that teach english as my homeroom teacher.. I forget her full name hehe.. I'm sorry Mrs.Wiwin hehe.. I say 'that teach english teacher' because there are 2 Mrs.Wiwin in SMAN3BANDUNG.. one that teach English.. and the other teach Bahasa Indonesia.. hehehe.. oops.. I forget to tell you about my sister.. I have one hehe.. her name is Radyta Qurratu Bintang Galizha Hermawan.. we.. (my family and I) usually call her "ABIN" that was "Adek Bintang" hehe.. she also like to play console game.. just like me hehehe.. basically she learn to play game from her brother wkwkwk xD
hmm.. I think it is enough hehe.. I also type this in Ganesha Operation while I study.. multidoing right? wkwkwk ok then.. bye.. thx for reading.. KeyCyaw..
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.