In this post.. I'll tell you about.. "HOW DO PLANET FORM?"
For centuries, astronomers and
philosophers wondered how our solar system and its planets came to be.
As telescopes advanced and space probes were sent out to explore, we
learned more and more about our solar system, which gave us clues to how
it might have taken shape.
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Life Cloud |
But were our ideas right?
We could only see the end result of planet formation, not the process
itself. And we had no other examples to study. Even with the knowledge
gained about our solar system, we were left to wonder, are there other
planetary systems out there, and did they form like ours? Discoveries
made by the Hubble Space Telescope are helping us fill in key pieces to
the puzzle of how planets form.
According to our current understanding, a star and its planets form
out of a collapsing cloud of dust and gas within a larger cloud called a
nebula. As gravity pulls material in the collapsing cloud closer
together, the center of the cloud gets more and more compressed and, in
turn, gets hotter. This dense, hot core becomes the kernel of a new
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The Clumps of Rock |
As a disk spins, the material within it travels around the star in the
same direction. Eventually, the material in the disk will begin to stick
together, somewhat like household dust sticking together to form dust
bunnies. As these small clumps orbit within the disk, they sweep up
surrounding material, growing bigger and bigger. The modest gravity of
boulder-sized and larger chunks starts to pull in dust and other clumps.
The bigger these conglomerates become, the more material they attract,
and the bigger they get. Soon, the beginnings of planets —
"planetesimals," as they are called — are taking shape.
In the inner part of the disk, most of the material at this point is
rocky, as much of the original gas has likely been gobbled up and
cleared out by the developing star. This leads to the formation of
smaller, rocky planetesimals close to the star. In the outer part of the
disk, though, more gas remains, as well as ices that haven't yet been
vaporized by the growing star. This additional material allows
planetesimals farther from the star to gather more material and evolve
into giants of ice and gas.
As each planetesimal grows bigger,
it starts clearing out the material in its path, snatching up nearby,
slow-moving rubble and gas while gravitationally tossing other material
out of its way. Eventually, the debris in its path thins out and the
planetesimal has a relatively clear lane of traffic around its star.
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Newly Life Maker Cloud |
Hundreds of these planetesimals are forming at the same time, and
inevitably they meet up. If their paths cross at just the right time and
they're moving fast enough relative to each other, SMASH! — they
collide, sending debris everywhere. But if they slowly meander toward
one other, gravity can gently draw them together. They form a union,
merging into a larger object. If the participants are farther apart,
they might not physically interact but their gravitational encounter can
pull each body off course. These wayward objects start to cross other
lanes of traffic, setting the stage for additional collisions and other
meetings of the rocky kind.
After millions of years, countless
encounters between these planetesimals have cleared out much of the
disk's debris and have built up much larger — and many fewer — objects
that now dominate their regions. A planetary system is reaching
Until recently, we had only one planetary system — our own — to study in
our attempt to understand how planets form. But in less than two
decades, the Hubble Space Telescope has worked with other telescopes to
open a window onto the mystery of planet formation. Hubble's ability to
peer into nearby nebulae and to probe the regions around neighboring
stars has shown us planetary systems under construction, the conditions
planets form in, and even a planet orbiting another star. Hubble's
discovery of a planet circling Fomalhaut replaced speculation with
direct evidence that some of the strange features it has seen in disks
could be caused by developing planets. Hubble's revelations have
sometimes confirmed our ideas and sometimes showed us things we never
imagined, all the while helping us better understand how planets form.
Why do planets in our solar system circle the sun?
Here is the answer
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Young Sun |
When the Sun was young, it was encircled by a rotating disk of gas and dust. From this disk formed the planets.
Just like the picture in the right.
Then the planets inherited their motion from the disk and today act like cars on a racetrack, all orbiting the Sun in the same direction and in roughly the same flat plane.
This Information Source is from
Thx for visiting my blog..
Good topic, when we learn the origin of our planet, we also learn about " who we are "