Peace is a period of harmony between different social groups that is characterized by lack of violence or conflict behaviors, and the freedom from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility and retribution, peace also suggests sincere attempts at reconciliation, the existence of healthy or newly healedinterpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality, and a working political order that serves the true interests of all. -Wikipedia
Peace, what is peace for you? for me.. Peace is a state of mind that feel safe, comfort, and free. A mind that feel peace will make the person not only physically, but also mentally strong and free. Even that our friends in Palestine will feel the Peace. Not in Physical, but maybe in the mind. They will feel peace because they know that the paradise will be their next journey when they fight for their living. Peace will make us be the best of us.
Selasa, 15 September 2015
Every Organisation have a leader that lead the organisation to achieve the goals. Everyone wanted to be a leader. In this case, I choose OSIS or Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah. OSIS is the main organisation that run the Student Events. Before we take a step into becoming a leader, we need to take some attention at some point. Leaders must have some characteristics before leading the team of course. He/She must be good in the communication skill, wise, charismatic, want to accept everyone opinion and creative.
At First, the communication skill is the main point of a good leader. A leader that doesn't have this perks wouldn't be a good leader. In order to persuade the members or someone that intact with the team, He/She also need to be charismatic. Every great leader such as Julius Caesar is really wise. In this case, every leader must to choose the great and the most benefit option to the Organisation.
With the first point in the soul of the next leader, Secondly, he/she also need to be creative. The Creativity needed because it could make a thousand ways to get an Objective. This make that event or goals achieved not flat just like the normal way, but have some wave and color that make the members or the event look awesome.
The leader also needed to have goals. Imagine a leader without a goal, the organisation would be tasteless. So, every leader must have goals to make a point that what will the leader achieve on his/her leading period.
The age already have many great leaders. From Prophet Adam to Mohammad, from Caesar to Clavicus, from Alexander to Pharaoh and many more. Being a good leader might be hard, but we must get everything that needed to be a good leader if we want a leader. What will you choose? Leader? or Leaded? What is your way to live in this world? You decide yours.
At First, the communication skill is the main point of a good leader. A leader that doesn't have this perks wouldn't be a good leader. In order to persuade the members or someone that intact with the team, He/She also need to be charismatic. Every great leader such as Julius Caesar is really wise. In this case, every leader must to choose the great and the most benefit option to the Organisation.
With the first point in the soul of the next leader, Secondly, he/she also need to be creative. The Creativity needed because it could make a thousand ways to get an Objective. This make that event or goals achieved not flat just like the normal way, but have some wave and color that make the members or the event look awesome.
The leader also needed to have goals. Imagine a leader without a goal, the organisation would be tasteless. So, every leader must have goals to make a point that what will the leader achieve on his/her leading period.
The age already have many great leaders. From Prophet Adam to Mohammad, from Caesar to Clavicus, from Alexander to Pharaoh and many more. Being a good leader might be hard, but we must get everything that needed to be a good leader if we want a leader. What will you choose? Leader? or Leaded? What is your way to live in this world? You decide yours.
Selasa, 16 Juni 2015
Gedung Sate? Do you know it?
Hey Guys, you meet me again here! this is the time for CITY TOUR! yeah hahaha.. well.. just, read it then haha..
Gedung Sate, with it special ornamen just like a Satay stick on its Central Tower, it is a Land Mark in Bandung that well known not just for West Java's People but also a whole Indonesia know it. Even the model of that building is a example for another landmark in West Java. One of them is the frost side of Tasikmalaya Train Station.
Gedung Sate was built in 1920, this white enormous building still stand beautifully, and now the function was the Center of Government in West Java.
Gedung Sate in the age of Holland, it is Gouvernements Bedrijven (GB), the first boulder that make the building was with Johanna Catherina Coops, daughter of B Coops, and Patronella Roelofsen that do it for the General Government in Batavia, J.P Graaf van Limburg Stirum in 27 Juli 1920.
Gedung Sate was build and designed with a team that have Ir. J. Gerber, a young architect from Delft Nederland, De Roo and Ir. G Hendriks and also from Gemeente van Bandoeng that headed with Kol. Pur. VL. Slors with 2000 workers. 150 is a stonemaker or a bongpay from China.
With 4 years, in September 1924 this building was done. it is also a center of PTT (Post, Telephone, and Telegraf) an also a Library.
Gedung Sate since 1980 well known as a Government Office because it is the center of the Goverment Reign in West Java.
The Governor Office is in the second floor with the Vice Governor, Assistant and Biro and also the secretary's room. Now the Governor is helped with three Vice Governor that stand in Goverment, Economy, and the development, and much more.
But not all the assistant is in the Gedung Sate. On the East and West there are 2 Big Room that is a Ball Room just like a European Building. This Room is well known as West and East "Aula" that used to as a official event.
Well then, this is a small story that I know from google.. the Source was from Wikipedia hehe.. this is the link! Gedung Sate! Just Click and read :3
Oh yeah! the address is in Diponegoro Street number 22.. Visit it to know it more hehe.. Bye Friend!
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Pics From |
Gedung Sate, with it special ornamen just like a Satay stick on its Central Tower, it is a Land Mark in Bandung that well known not just for West Java's People but also a whole Indonesia know it. Even the model of that building is a example for another landmark in West Java. One of them is the frost side of Tasikmalaya Train Station.
Gedung Sate was built in 1920, this white enormous building still stand beautifully, and now the function was the Center of Government in West Java.
Gedung Sate in the age of Holland, it is Gouvernements Bedrijven (GB), the first boulder that make the building was with Johanna Catherina Coops, daughter of B Coops, and Patronella Roelofsen that do it for the General Government in Batavia, J.P Graaf van Limburg Stirum in 27 Juli 1920.
Gedung Sate was build and designed with a team that have Ir. J. Gerber, a young architect from Delft Nederland, De Roo and Ir. G Hendriks and also from Gemeente van Bandoeng that headed with Kol. Pur. VL. Slors with 2000 workers. 150 is a stonemaker or a bongpay from China.
With 4 years, in September 1924 this building was done. it is also a center of PTT (Post, Telephone, and Telegraf) an also a Library.
Gedung Sate since 1980 well known as a Government Office because it is the center of the Goverment Reign in West Java.

But not all the assistant is in the Gedung Sate. On the East and West there are 2 Big Room that is a Ball Room just like a European Building. This Room is well known as West and East "Aula" that used to as a official event.
Well then, this is a small story that I know from google.. the Source was from Wikipedia hehe.. this is the link! Gedung Sate! Just Click and read :3
Oh yeah! the address is in Diponegoro Street number 22.. Visit it to know it more hehe.. Bye Friend!
Gading, My Friend
We meet again in my blog, and now I am going to interview my friend, Gading.
Thx for visiting my blog btw. hahaha..
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Gading and Me hehe |
Well, First of all, his name is Gading Muhammad Damarjati, but you can call him Gading. He said his hobby was playing,, but not only playing games, also playing with his friends, and EVERYTHING!. He was born in Cilacap at 1st January 2000. He think that he was born in a great day, because it is the first day in the new millenium. He said that besides having a Mother and Father, also he have a sister and brother. He currently live in Komplek Tamansari Bukit Bandung 9th block number 3.
He said, when he was a baby, his family live in a small house in Antapani. But not for long, in 2004, his father got an opportunity to go for a scholarship in USA. Along with the rest of his family, they went to America. He spent his time as a kindergarten there for 2 years. His family live in 11360 Garden View Land apt #3, St Louis, Missouri. He learned speaking English by his own at a very young age. During the middle of 2006, his family went back to Indonesia. Since then, his family live in Komplek Tamansari Bukit Bandung where he live now. In his 6, he went to Mutiara Bunda Elementary School. He spent6 years there, and he got so many experience. But he said there were some things that he got in Mutiara Bunda, but He dont get in other school. Because it is an inclusive school, and not all the students are lucky like him and his friends. Therefore, he learned that we have to respect and help each other. He graduated from the ElementarySchool in 2012, which then he continued his study as a Junior Highschool student in Taruna Bakti. He joined the Acceleration Class that creates a method for their student to finish the Junior High School just for 2 years instead of 3. After 2 hardwork in his Junior High School (Lied, hahaha just kidding, Gading is a hardworker if he serious in something, IF) he chose to continue his Journey at SMAN 3 Bandung. Since the first day in SMAN 3, He said he realized that so many things that he don't know and he should change his personality. He was in X IPA 9 class for about a month and a half. But sadly, he had to leave his beloved class because he joined the acceleration class again.
Well, it is done then, that is Gading, My friend life Journey, and Thx for visiting my blog again my Visitors.. Goodbye :3 Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.
We meet again in my blog and I will give you all some offers about RAVEN MICROCHIP!
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Paman Gober, Cyling with Friends!
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.
Hey Guys, you meet me again here and thank you for visiting my blog. Now I will tell you about PAMAN GOBER.
At 24th March, me and my friends were gathered in Bali Field to do some Event. The Event called "Paman Gober" it is "Penanaman dan Goes Bersama". This event is Celebrating Earth Day. So, because we need to make our Earth healthy, we cycling and plant some trees to make our earth live much longer.
I attracted to this event because Cycling is my hobby, back on my Junior High School life, I am a leader of a Cycling Club that have 20+ members. We ussually go to the road and at the last Convoy, we Cycle to Anyer and went to the beach to play and refresh our mind. That Convoy is about 100 Km in total and we start at 6 Am and at our home at 8 Pm.
Back to Paman Gober, in Bali Fields, we gathered and wait for the next announcement. I tried to check my bike one more time and make sure nothing is wrong. Then we started our small biking tour with Police to Guide us. Because the Event is participated with all 10th Grader, we make a very long line on the road. I prepared for the best and I bring my buff, my gloves, but not my tool for bike. Because I heard that the tool was already prepared there. I forgot the route but I only can show you in the photos, sorry guys :(

This is the lane, there is soo many of us in this event and the end line is beyond my camera's reach haha..

we goes on the bike for at least 2 hours and arrived on the planting area, i forgot to take the picture so i only can show you all my friends.
Hey Guys, you meet me again here and thank you for visiting my blog. Now I will tell you about PAMAN GOBER.
At 24th March, me and my friends were gathered in Bali Field to do some Event. The Event called "Paman Gober" it is "Penanaman dan Goes Bersama". This event is Celebrating Earth Day. So, because we need to make our Earth healthy, we cycling and plant some trees to make our earth live much longer.
I attracted to this event because Cycling is my hobby, back on my Junior High School life, I am a leader of a Cycling Club that have 20+ members. We ussually go to the road and at the last Convoy, we Cycle to Anyer and went to the beach to play and refresh our mind. That Convoy is about 100 Km in total and we start at 6 Am and at our home at 8 Pm.

This is the lane, there is soo many of us in this event and the end line is beyond my camera's reach haha..

at the end of the event, we went back to Bali Field and get some lunch, also there are some games that must be participated with 32016 and 32017. The game was "Bebentengan". The game's goal is to take another group's member or touch the post to make a single win. And the winner is 32016. We have soo much fun in this event, and I love cycling, This was the first time I used my bike in Bandung and I also miss my friend back in the day we used to take a tour in Cilegon. But still, life is going on and we tried to follow the pace and enjoy our life. Goodbye my Visitors. Thx for Visiting my Blog, Byebye :3 Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
Senin, 27 April 2015
Ichiban No Takaramono (Most Precious Treasure)
Well.. Welcome again my Readers.. this is one of my favorite song.. this song is from "Angel Beats" Ending Song.. Well.. Happy Reading Guys!
Song Lyrics
Episode 13 version (the original version) seems to focus on similar themes but
places stronger emphasis on the general aspects of life, in all a positive one
that seems to be the central unifying theme of the series. This version is
again told from the perspective of someone who must part ways with his/her past
experiences and move onto a new path. Likewise, the singer decides that he/she
will only move forward, despite the potential losses that might accompany this
decision. Compared with the Episode 10 version, the song focuses on a broader
range of themes including friendship and strife. For instance, at the end the
singer decides that no matter how terrible life might seem, he/she must make an
effort to stay alive, and that memories of past love/friendships will always
stay with him/her as the "most precious treasure." The themes
explored in this song are reminiscent of what the scenario writers had intended
to depict as the "Rebels Against God," a signature alias of the SSS.
While the song plays in the ending credits of the Final Episode, the SSS cast
members gradually disappear one by one, suggesting that they have at last
fulfilled their purposes in life and that their fight against god has at last
come to an end.
Thx For Visiting my Blog.. Cya!
Song Lyrics
Suso ga
nureta nara
no mateba ii
wo tatete haneta
Kimi ga
oshiete kureta n da Mou kowaku nai
ite kureta kono te wo hanasanakya dame da
demo yuku yo Tatoe tsurakute mo
Minna de
mita yume wa Kanarazu motteku yo
Minna to
ga ii na Minna to ga yokatta
mezameta asa Dare mo inai n da ne
furikaette mo dare no kage mo nai
dake ga hikatta
koto sore wa tachimukatte iku koto
Sore ga
wakatta nara ato wa fumidasu yuuki dake
made mo yuku yo Koko de shitta koto
to iu yume wo kanaete miseru yo
Minna to
hanarete mo Donna ni tooku natte mo
asa ni Kono Boku wa ikiru yo
demo yuku yo Shinitaku natte mo
Koe ga
kikoeru yo Shinde wa ikenai to
tsurakute mo Yami ni tozasarete mo
no oku ni wa Akari ga tomotteru yo
nagarete Toki wa utsuroida
Mou nani
ga atta ka Omoidasenai kedo
Me wo
tojite mireba Minna no waraigoe
Naze ka
sore ga ima ichiban no takaramono
the tips of my clothes got wet,
I was
alright just waiting for them to dry.
I jumped
wholeheartedly to the sound of the water.
taught me so much; I’m not scared anymore.
I have
to let go of these hands that were holding me.
I’ll go
by myself, even if it looks painful,
always carry on the dream I had with everyone.
with everyone is so nice; Being with everyone was so wonderful.
But when
I woke up in the morning, no one was there.
Even if
I don’t turn around anymore, I know I won’t see anyone’s reflections.
Only the
puddles were shining.
is the same thing as fighting.
If I
understood that, I would have only the courage to advance onward.
I’ll go
anywhere, you all know that.
show you all that I can grant your dreams of happiness.
Even if
I’m separated from everyone, no matter how far,
I’ll be
born with the new morning.
I’ll go
by myself, even if I want to die,
I can
hear your voices; I mustn’t die.
Even if
it looks painful, even if I’m locked in darkness,
Deep in
my heart the light is burning.
changed as it ebbed and flowed.
I can’t
remember what happened anymore but,
If I try
and close my eyes I can hear everyone’s laughter.
that’s now my most precious treasure.
Most Precious Treasure" (一番の宝物,
Ichiban no Takaramono
) is a song by various artists from the Angel Beats!
franchise. Three separate renditions of this song exist: Yui's version, the
original version, and Yui's final version. Yui's version was used as an ending
theme for Episode 10 of the anime series. It was released as an album track for
the album "Keep the Beats!" and is sung by Girls Dead Monster feat.
LiSA. The original version was played in the final episode and is sung by
karuta. The song was released in the Angel Beats! Original Soundtrack. A third
version of this song, "Yui's final version," was released as a
separate single at the termination of the GDM project and was again sung by
10 and 13 each uses "My Most Precious Treasure" as the ending theme,
but the lyrics in each version are made to sound slightly different so that
they would closely match the theme of each episode. The Episode 10 version
(Yui's ver.) is a love song that tells of a girl who must be separated from a
loved one (most likely a boyfriend). Even though the girl (i.e., the singer) is
saddened by the potential loneliness of this parting, she nevertheless makes up
her mind to depart out of her own will, carrying with her only the memories
from past experiences, which she will retain as her "most precious treasure."
While this song plays in the background at the end of Episode 10, we see on the
screen a few stills of Hinata, Yui and Yui's mother in a hypothetical scenario
(perhaps depicting their next lives). In this imagined scenario, we see that
Hinata becomes friends with Yui and eventually begins to care for her.

Senin, 20 April 2015
Exodus Gods and Kings
So.. Hi Again Readers.. Now it is the time for my New Favorite Movie Trailer.. it is Exodus : Gods and Kings.. Catch this Trailer guys.
Synopsis :
Ancient Egypt 1,300 B.C.
The Hebrews have been slaves to Egypt for over 400 years. They have shaped and built the city under the rule of a series of Pharaohs. They have not forgotten their homeland or their one God, and 'He' has not forgotten them.
In the Pharaoh's temple in the holy city of Memphis, Moses (Christian Bale) and his adoptive brother Ramses (Joel Edgerton) learn that the Hittite army is near the city. The Pharaoh Seti (John Turturro) hears from the High Priestess (Indira Varma) of a prophecy that states that one will become a leader. Together, the two brothers ride their chariots into battle. With their own army, they confront the Hittites and take them down. Ramses is nearly killed when his chariot breaks down and he is nearly trampled, but Moses hurls a spear that breaks the Hittite chariot. Seti later thanks Moses for saving Ramses.
Moses is sent to meet with Viceroy Hegep (Ben Mendelsohn), who oversees the slaves in the city. While they are walking, Moses sees one slave, Joshua (Aaron Paul), being whipped. This image horrifies him.
Moses also meets a tribe of Hebrews led by Joshua's father Nun (Ben Kingsley). Here, Moses learns that he is also a Hebrew and was sent to Egypt as a baby. Moses is upset by this revelation. Two Hebrews hear the story and report it to Hegep.
Some time later, Seti dies and Ramses is made the new Pharaoh. He learns of Moses' lineage from Hegep. A servant named Miriam (Tara Fitzgerald) is brought before him for interrogation at the behest of Queen Tuya (Sigourney Weaver). Ramses questions if she is Moses' sister. He nearly cuts off her arm until Moses intervenes and says she is his sister. Tuya wants Moses to be executed, but Ramses sends him into exile. Before leaving, Moses meets Miriam and their birth mother, who tell him his birth name is Moishe.
Moses travels through the desert and comes across Midian and settles there. He meets Jethro (Kevork Malikyan) and his daughter Zipporah (Maria Valverde). Over time, Moses becomes a shepherd and comes to know Zipporah and they eventually fall in love and marry.
Nine years later, Ramses continues to rule over Egypt with power. He has married Nefertari (Golshifeth Farahani) and has an infant son. Moses has also stayed in Midian and had a son with Zipporah named Gershom (Hal Hewetson). Moses has not shared the same faith in God that his wife and child had, which upsets Zipporah.
Moses takes a trip up a mountain during a storm. A rock slide occurs in which he gets knocked unconscious and has his leg broken. He awakens nearly completely submerged in mud. He hears a voice and sees a burning bush. A child named Malak (Isaac Andrews) comes before him. He is a representation of God sent to speak with Moses. The boy takes some stones and stacks them together to form a pyramid to remind Moses of what he must do and who his people are.
Moses returns to the village and has his leg treated. He tells Zipporah what he saw and what he heard. She doesn't believe that God would have come to him as a child. Moses knows he has a task to do, but Zipporah doesn't want him to leave his family behind.
Moses returns to Egypt and reunites with Nun and Joshua. He also meets his brother Aaron (Andrew Tarbet) for the first time, along with Aaron's own son. Moses returns to the temple and confronts Ramses with a sword to the neck. Ramses is shocked to see Moses still alive. Moses tells Ramses of his mission from God. Afterwards, Ramses decides he wants Moses dead, and so he hunts down the Hebrews in the city and begins to publicly execute them until Moses turns himself in.
Moses gathers the Hebrews and trains them in combat against Ramses' forces. Together with the tribesmen, they learn how to utilize bows and arrows as well as defenses against the Egyptians. Meanwhile, Moses continues to communicate with Malak, who warns him of something to come.
The chaos begins when a group of crocodiles attacks a boat of fishermen. The beasts rip them apart (as well as each other), leaving the sea red with blood. The Ten Plagues then hit Egypt, beginning with all the water in the city turning to blood, with dead sea creatures surfacing. From the water come hundreds and hundreds of frogs all over the city. This is followed by a massive swarm of lice going all across the land. The Egyptians, including Ramses and his family, get rashes and boils on their skin. Ramses consults his grand vizier and the High Priestess for help, but when they provide him with no results, he has them executed.
Moses confronts Ramses again about releasing the Hebrews. Ramses argues that there is no reason to change this after 400 years, as it would also be bad for Egypt economically as the country relies heavily on slave labor. Thus, the plagues continue with pestilence overtaking the livestock. They cough up blood before dying all over the place. Then a huge swarm of locusts overtakes the city, destroying much of the crops. A powerful hail storm follows, also causing much destruction in the city.
Joshua comes across Moses talking to Malak, though Joshua cannot see the boy. Moses is horrified to learn of what the final plague is to be. He tells the Hebrews to slaughter a lamb and cover their doors with blood. That night, a darkness sweeps over the city. The first born child in each Egyptian home that is not marked with blood dies, including the son of Ramses. He finds his dead child and wails. After this, Ramses angrily tells Moses to leave with the Hebrews for Canaan.
Moses leads the Hebrews into their exodus from the city. They walk for days until coming across the Red Sea. Fearing they have no way of going further, a frustrated Moses throws his sword into the ocean. Later, the waters begin to recede, allowing the people to go through. One Hebrew objects to Moses' leadership, but Moses convinces everyone to continue following him as he vows to take them home. They begin to walk through the sea.
Back in Egypt, Ramses is still mourning the loss of his son. He decides to go after the Hebrews. His men ride through the mountains without stopping to rest the men or horses. On their journey, a large portion of Ramses' soldiers are killed when the mountains break down and take the soldiers down with it. The surviving Egyptians catch up to the Hebrews, who are almost through the Red Sea. The waters then begin to reform, forcing everyone to run for it. Moses rides toward Ramses, while Joshua, Aaron, and others follow him. As the waters get higher and closer, Moses orders the Hebrews to run back to land, while most of Ramses' soldiers retreat, even as Ramses continues riding toward Moses. The waves then crash down, killing Ramses' men before hitting both Moses and Ramses. Moses survives and rejoins the Hebrews, while Ramses also survives but is left alone amongst his dead soldiers, all of whom are being feasted on by the birds.
Moses leads the Hebrews through Midian so that he may reunite with Zipporah and Gershom. Moses tells her that her faith should be stronger than ever now. They embrace and kiss.
Later on, Moses is carving out the Ten Commandments onto a slab of stone. He talks to Malak again, who tells him that if he truly believes in what he's writing, that he ought to continue.
The Hebrews make their way through Mount Sinai. A significantly older Moses rides with the Ten Commandments close to him. He looks out and sees Malak amongst the crowd before he seems to disappear. The Hebrews then continue making their way to the promised land.
The Hebrews have been slaves to Egypt for over 400 years. They have shaped and built the city under the rule of a series of Pharaohs. They have not forgotten their homeland or their one God, and 'He' has not forgotten them.
In the Pharaoh's temple in the holy city of Memphis, Moses (Christian Bale) and his adoptive brother Ramses (Joel Edgerton) learn that the Hittite army is near the city. The Pharaoh Seti (John Turturro) hears from the High Priestess (Indira Varma) of a prophecy that states that one will become a leader. Together, the two brothers ride their chariots into battle. With their own army, they confront the Hittites and take them down. Ramses is nearly killed when his chariot breaks down and he is nearly trampled, but Moses hurls a spear that breaks the Hittite chariot. Seti later thanks Moses for saving Ramses.
Moses is sent to meet with Viceroy Hegep (Ben Mendelsohn), who oversees the slaves in the city. While they are walking, Moses sees one slave, Joshua (Aaron Paul), being whipped. This image horrifies him.
Moses also meets a tribe of Hebrews led by Joshua's father Nun (Ben Kingsley). Here, Moses learns that he is also a Hebrew and was sent to Egypt as a baby. Moses is upset by this revelation. Two Hebrews hear the story and report it to Hegep.
Some time later, Seti dies and Ramses is made the new Pharaoh. He learns of Moses' lineage from Hegep. A servant named Miriam (Tara Fitzgerald) is brought before him for interrogation at the behest of Queen Tuya (Sigourney Weaver). Ramses questions if she is Moses' sister. He nearly cuts off her arm until Moses intervenes and says she is his sister. Tuya wants Moses to be executed, but Ramses sends him into exile. Before leaving, Moses meets Miriam and their birth mother, who tell him his birth name is Moishe.
Moses travels through the desert and comes across Midian and settles there. He meets Jethro (Kevork Malikyan) and his daughter Zipporah (Maria Valverde). Over time, Moses becomes a shepherd and comes to know Zipporah and they eventually fall in love and marry.
Nine years later, Ramses continues to rule over Egypt with power. He has married Nefertari (Golshifeth Farahani) and has an infant son. Moses has also stayed in Midian and had a son with Zipporah named Gershom (Hal Hewetson). Moses has not shared the same faith in God that his wife and child had, which upsets Zipporah.
Moses takes a trip up a mountain during a storm. A rock slide occurs in which he gets knocked unconscious and has his leg broken. He awakens nearly completely submerged in mud. He hears a voice and sees a burning bush. A child named Malak (Isaac Andrews) comes before him. He is a representation of God sent to speak with Moses. The boy takes some stones and stacks them together to form a pyramid to remind Moses of what he must do and who his people are.
Moses returns to the village and has his leg treated. He tells Zipporah what he saw and what he heard. She doesn't believe that God would have come to him as a child. Moses knows he has a task to do, but Zipporah doesn't want him to leave his family behind.
Moses returns to Egypt and reunites with Nun and Joshua. He also meets his brother Aaron (Andrew Tarbet) for the first time, along with Aaron's own son. Moses returns to the temple and confronts Ramses with a sword to the neck. Ramses is shocked to see Moses still alive. Moses tells Ramses of his mission from God. Afterwards, Ramses decides he wants Moses dead, and so he hunts down the Hebrews in the city and begins to publicly execute them until Moses turns himself in.
Moses gathers the Hebrews and trains them in combat against Ramses' forces. Together with the tribesmen, they learn how to utilize bows and arrows as well as defenses against the Egyptians. Meanwhile, Moses continues to communicate with Malak, who warns him of something to come.
The chaos begins when a group of crocodiles attacks a boat of fishermen. The beasts rip them apart (as well as each other), leaving the sea red with blood. The Ten Plagues then hit Egypt, beginning with all the water in the city turning to blood, with dead sea creatures surfacing. From the water come hundreds and hundreds of frogs all over the city. This is followed by a massive swarm of lice going all across the land. The Egyptians, including Ramses and his family, get rashes and boils on their skin. Ramses consults his grand vizier and the High Priestess for help, but when they provide him with no results, he has them executed.
Moses confronts Ramses again about releasing the Hebrews. Ramses argues that there is no reason to change this after 400 years, as it would also be bad for Egypt economically as the country relies heavily on slave labor. Thus, the plagues continue with pestilence overtaking the livestock. They cough up blood before dying all over the place. Then a huge swarm of locusts overtakes the city, destroying much of the crops. A powerful hail storm follows, also causing much destruction in the city.
Joshua comes across Moses talking to Malak, though Joshua cannot see the boy. Moses is horrified to learn of what the final plague is to be. He tells the Hebrews to slaughter a lamb and cover their doors with blood. That night, a darkness sweeps over the city. The first born child in each Egyptian home that is not marked with blood dies, including the son of Ramses. He finds his dead child and wails. After this, Ramses angrily tells Moses to leave with the Hebrews for Canaan.
Moses leads the Hebrews into their exodus from the city. They walk for days until coming across the Red Sea. Fearing they have no way of going further, a frustrated Moses throws his sword into the ocean. Later, the waters begin to recede, allowing the people to go through. One Hebrew objects to Moses' leadership, but Moses convinces everyone to continue following him as he vows to take them home. They begin to walk through the sea.
Back in Egypt, Ramses is still mourning the loss of his son. He decides to go after the Hebrews. His men ride through the mountains without stopping to rest the men or horses. On their journey, a large portion of Ramses' soldiers are killed when the mountains break down and take the soldiers down with it. The surviving Egyptians catch up to the Hebrews, who are almost through the Red Sea. The waters then begin to reform, forcing everyone to run for it. Moses rides toward Ramses, while Joshua, Aaron, and others follow him. As the waters get higher and closer, Moses orders the Hebrews to run back to land, while most of Ramses' soldiers retreat, even as Ramses continues riding toward Moses. The waves then crash down, killing Ramses' men before hitting both Moses and Ramses. Moses survives and rejoins the Hebrews, while Ramses also survives but is left alone amongst his dead soldiers, all of whom are being feasted on by the birds.
Moses leads the Hebrews through Midian so that he may reunite with Zipporah and Gershom. Moses tells her that her faith should be stronger than ever now. They embrace and kiss.
Later on, Moses is carving out the Ten Commandments onto a slab of stone. He talks to Malak again, who tells him that if he truly believes in what he's writing, that he ought to continue.
The Hebrews make their way through Mount Sinai. A significantly older Moses rides with the Ten Commandments close to him. He looks out and sees Malak amongst the crowd before he seems to disappear. The Hebrews then continue making their way to the promised land.
And That is the synopsis taken from
Catch ya Later.. thx for visiting my blog.. see ya
Senin, 16 Maret 2015
In this post.. I'll tell you about.. "HOW DO PLANET FORM?"
For centuries, astronomers and
philosophers wondered how our solar system and its planets came to be.
As telescopes advanced and space probes were sent out to explore, we
learned more and more about our solar system, which gave us clues to how
it might have taken shape.
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Life Cloud |
But were our ideas right?
We could only see the end result of planet formation, not the process
itself. And we had no other examples to study. Even with the knowledge
gained about our solar system, we were left to wonder, are there other
planetary systems out there, and did they form like ours? Discoveries
made by the Hubble Space Telescope are helping us fill in key pieces to
the puzzle of how planets form.
According to our current understanding, a star and its planets form
out of a collapsing cloud of dust and gas within a larger cloud called a
nebula. As gravity pulls material in the collapsing cloud closer
together, the center of the cloud gets more and more compressed and, in
turn, gets hotter. This dense, hot core becomes the kernel of a new
![]() | |||
The Clumps of Rock |
As a disk spins, the material within it travels around the star in the
same direction. Eventually, the material in the disk will begin to stick
together, somewhat like household dust sticking together to form dust
bunnies. As these small clumps orbit within the disk, they sweep up
surrounding material, growing bigger and bigger. The modest gravity of
boulder-sized and larger chunks starts to pull in dust and other clumps.
The bigger these conglomerates become, the more material they attract,
and the bigger they get. Soon, the beginnings of planets —
"planetesimals," as they are called — are taking shape.
In the inner part of the disk, most of the material at this point is
rocky, as much of the original gas has likely been gobbled up and
cleared out by the developing star. This leads to the formation of
smaller, rocky planetesimals close to the star. In the outer part of the
disk, though, more gas remains, as well as ices that haven't yet been
vaporized by the growing star. This additional material allows
planetesimals farther from the star to gather more material and evolve
into giants of ice and gas.
As each planetesimal grows bigger,
it starts clearing out the material in its path, snatching up nearby,
slow-moving rubble and gas while gravitationally tossing other material
out of its way. Eventually, the debris in its path thins out and the
planetesimal has a relatively clear lane of traffic around its star.
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Newly Life Maker Cloud |
Hundreds of these planetesimals are forming at the same time, and
inevitably they meet up. If their paths cross at just the right time and
they're moving fast enough relative to each other, SMASH! — they
collide, sending debris everywhere. But if they slowly meander toward
one other, gravity can gently draw them together. They form a union,
merging into a larger object. If the participants are farther apart,
they might not physically interact but their gravitational encounter can
pull each body off course. These wayward objects start to cross other
lanes of traffic, setting the stage for additional collisions and other
meetings of the rocky kind.
After millions of years, countless
encounters between these planetesimals have cleared out much of the
disk's debris and have built up much larger — and many fewer — objects
that now dominate their regions. A planetary system is reaching
Until recently, we had only one planetary system — our own — to study in
our attempt to understand how planets form. But in less than two
decades, the Hubble Space Telescope has worked with other telescopes to
open a window onto the mystery of planet formation. Hubble's ability to
peer into nearby nebulae and to probe the regions around neighboring
stars has shown us planetary systems under construction, the conditions
planets form in, and even a planet orbiting another star. Hubble's
discovery of a planet circling Fomalhaut replaced speculation with
direct evidence that some of the strange features it has seen in disks
could be caused by developing planets. Hubble's revelations have
sometimes confirmed our ideas and sometimes showed us things we never
imagined, all the while helping us better understand how planets form.
Why do planets in our solar system circle the sun?
Here is the answer
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Young Sun |
When the Sun was young, it was encircled by a rotating disk of gas and dust. From this disk formed the planets.
Just like the picture in the right.
Then the planets inherited their motion from the disk and today act like cars on a racetrack, all orbiting the Sun in the same direction and in roughly the same flat plane.
This Information Source is from
Thx for visiting my blog..
Selasa, 13 Januari 2015
My Holidaaaaaay :V
Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Hello again guys, thx for visiting
my blog. We recently have a holidays. How about your holiday? Is it great? Yeah
it must be hahaha. Hmm speaking of holiday, I want to tell you about my holiday
in this page. So, let we see em hahaha.
Well, my holiday is started from 24th
December 2014 until 12th January 2015. It is a bit longer than the
other majority schools that started from 22nd December 2014 until 5th
January 2015 hahaha. So I love it when I hear my friend that told us when our
holiday started and finished.
In the first day, it only just like
a normal free Sunday. I only stay at home and finished a game named FarCry 4.
Because before the holiday, I have a target to finish it only in five days and
I succeed. That game is an amazing game. Because it was an Adventure game with
a weapon that we can give a modifications to our gun.
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This is Dead of Winter |
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My Friends From NK |
Back to my holiday, after the first
day. In 25th and 26th I played with my club friends. The
club was NK3 or we say it Nihongo Kurobu 3 in the school. We went to Game
Corner and played many many many board games. The game that I remember was Dead
of Winter, Pandemic, The Imperial Settlers and Lifeboat. But the one that is my
favorite was Dead of Winter. Dead of Winter is a Board Game that we must really
get in to the game and think, what is the best for our colony and each colony
have its own goal to win. In other side, there are 1 betrayers colony that main
objective was to destroy the Main Colony. Back to game center. I went there
with my motorcycle of course, the people name that went to Game Corner was
Yudis, Yulio, Alif, Irfandi, Sandyka, Harits and Yanuardi (This all people was
older than me, so I call them with “Sen” ended in all their names and Sen means
“Senpai” and Senpai is a call for people that we thought is more than us in any
situation, at least that I can tell -.-)
In 27th I went to my
Grand Father and Mother house in Cileunyi. In order to celebrate my Aunt
birthday. She was Aunt Desy. But still, in there I only play with my laptop and
when my Mother call me to stay with the family, I stay. And I ate some cake
that make me had a sore throat for one day, maybe it was too sweet.. dunno -.-
In 28th it was my first
great day begin, because in that day I went to my old house, Cilegon City. It
took 5 hours from Bandung to Cilegon. As we (my family and I) there, one thing
that in my mind was an Online game. So I opened the laptop and play Lost Saga,
because the connection is really good in my house hahaha. In the game, I see my
friend is online. So we have an arrangement that tomorrow (29th) we
got to Naga Murni Game Center, Our usual place to play online games together.

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My Junior High School Friends |
In the New Year eve. I only stay at
home and browsed 9gag and 1cak. 9gag and 1cak is a comedy website. 9gag is
international website and 1cak is a local website. In 2nd January
2015 I spent that day with Game and played in the Family entertainment in “Zona
2000” that place make my memories came again, when I and Family play in that
place before watch the Movie in “21” Cilegon.
After that in 4th
January I spent it with a party in Hoka Bento Cilegon with my Junior HighSchool
Friends. And after that I watched “Stand By Me Doraemon” HD version in my
laptop with my Best Friend and her sister. And after that movie we watched “Big
Hero Six” and that movie is very great.
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Me and My Freundin |
Monday (5th January 2015) I went to the Ramen place in PCI
(Perumahan Cilegon Indah) with my Best Friend. I ordered Beef Ramyun and Sakura
Ramyun for my mother. Ramyun is a Traditional Noodle from Japan. And in 7th
January 2015 I went to Oto Bento with my Best Friend again. Because we already
arranged it from July that we will go there in New Year Holiday.
On 10th
January, it is the time to say goodbye to people and relative in Cilegon and
this house make me felt warm here and it is soo comfy. I Hope I can go there
again in next holiday.
All.. I think it is enough from me.. this is my holiday.. what about you? Hahaha…
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